Attention: Trauma survivors & kink-curious folx…

Break Free From the Shadows & What Holds You Back

Buy One Session, Get One Free

October 8-10, 2024 only!

As featured in…

Tell me, does this sound like you?

  • You’re an empath, kinkster, or trauma survivor who longs to create your own better-than-fiction real-life romance *cue Vitamin Strings Quartet playlist and steamy Bridgerton montage* 😘
  • You feel unsafe in your body because of your past… which you’ve told to like MAYBE one person… because it’s chock-full of the BIG STUFF — religious sexual trauma, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, rape, incest, or childhood sexual abuse — (yes, I named it!) and you just want someone you can trust and talk to about it… FINALLY
  • You’ve been working with a therapist for months, years, or decades… and you STILL haven’t gotten to the root of understanding your sexuality or processing your trauma because they don’t have all the tools or expertise to help you…
  • Your sex life is meh (at best) and you’ve been trying to spice things up… but you still don’t know HOW to do that effectively without causing yourself (or your partner) to break out in hives from the stress.
  • You sabotage potential connections because you fear that someone will leave you or abandon you… and that seems so much scarier than just being single, unpartnered, and alone forever.
  • You’ve wanted to explore kink/BDSM for YEARS but find yourself reading the same three Cosmo articles over and over again because you feel overwhelmed about where to start. 😩

If so, you’re not alone.

Living with unresolved sexual trauma is like waiting for that jump-scare in a horror film. (Yes, I’m eyeing you low-level dread & shoulder, jaw, and gut tension… 👀)

Feeling unfulfilled about your sex (or kink) life? That’s just a side effect.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine a life where you’re soul-deep happy, and you have partnerships and connections that you’ve only dreamed of. 🌟

  • You wake up every morning excited to be alive, living your soul’s purpose here on earth, and feeling bone-deep JOY throughout the day, most every day… even when things “aren’t going right” because you’ve learned that true joy isn’t situational.
  • You regularly attend all sorts of kinky events… munches, play parties, even kink/BDSM conferences… and you feel safe even when something’s new because you know what your boundaries actually are and you listen to your body about when to GO and when to STOP 🛑
  • You freely explore and express your desires (even the “taboo” ones!) because you love and accept yourself, and you KNOW the lines in kink/BDSM that are safe for you to cross, and those that aren’t.
  • You’ve created an orgasmically delicious solo sex practice that feeds your soul, increases your witchy magic, nourishes your partnerships, and helps you become an all-around better person.
  • You go on fun dates with AWESOME people… and you know WHEN to move things forward or when to let a connection end because you know WHAT your values are, HOW to discern if you have them in common with potential partners… it’s not a mystery if someone is a good fit for you or not
  • You grow spiritually AND sexually with your partner(s)… and even when there are bumps in the road, you feel CONFIDENT you have the tools, knowledge, and resources to get your relationship back on track.
  • You feel more pleasure in your body than ever before… and not just from orgasm. What once threw your nervous system out of whack is just surprising, or even pleasurable.
  • You finally feel FREE to live again… and you see massive growth, expansion, and healing in all areas of your life that would have seemed unbelievable before.

Does this seem like a dream? Real talk: this CAN be your reality! 🚀

And through 1-on-1 coaching, I’ll show you how!

Client Testimonials

"Zeva exceeded my expectations and did an amazing job making me feel comfortable talking about sensitive issues. Since my session, I’ve already had much better communication, better sex, and more self-confidence."

Joey, 1-on-1 coaching client

"I do want to say that the power hour was great. It made clear what I needed to do and which direction to take. That one hour covered more than I had learned in the last six months.

David, 1-on-1 coaching client

"Working with Kelly Noel for the past three years has been worth every penny. During that time, I left a job I didn’t like, began helping others heal with past life regressions, and have explored parts of my sexuality that I felt ashamed of. This is just what my soul needed."

Sarah Rose, 1-on-1 & Group Coaching Client

“It has just been phenomenal working with Zeva and healing my past relationship trauma by working through it on an energetic level. I’ve seen immediate results, and I’m moving at a very fast pace… The best part? I’ve learned to communicate more effectively, and that’s helped me create healthier relationships.”

Lindsay, 1-on-1 & Group Coaching Client

"I was single for a really long time. Coaching [with Zeva] has helped me release fear, anxiety… so much of what I’ve been holding onto, and I feel so light. Since working with Zeva, I’ve created amazing relationships, and I love myself more than ever before."

Paul, 1-on-1 coaching client

Hi there, I’m Zeva (they/she/sir)! 🌈

I have 6 years of experience in the kink/BDSM community, and I’ve been helping spiritual badasses and trauma survivors create healthy, fulfilling relationships through 1-on-1 coaching since 2019.

Before that, I read tarot and taught Reiki. (Yes, that photo in the next section is of me and my actual tarot deck!) Metaphysics and energy healing still inform everything I do, and it deepens and accelerates the results my clients have.

In the past 5 years, I’ve helped my coaching clients:

  • Do the equivalent of decades worth of therapy in a single 90-minute healing session
  • Repair communication with their partners and heal their marriages
  • Heal and minimize the impact of triggers from sexual assault, incest, and toxic relationships with narcissistic partners 
  • Come to terms with being LGBTQIA+ and trans/gender nonconforming (I’m trans, nonbinary, and genderfluid myself, and I’ve navigated a lot of transphobia in my time)
  • Deconstruct from harmful religious programming about sex and relationships and discover what’s authentically true for them
  • Attract long-term, healthy partnerships where they feel seen and heard… often for the first time
  • Successfully explore and navigate polyamory and ethical non-monogamy in a way that feels nourishing and supportive for them, dealing with jealousy as it arises (my nesting partner and I are poly; I’ve been out as poly since 2017)
  • Explore kink/BDSM for the first time, even when it’s seemed terrifying in the past… I’ve even attended play parties with a few of my clients to make sure they feel fully supported!

I love what I do, but I first started doing this coaching work because I wanted to offer my fellow badasses the support I wish I’d had YEARS earlier.

Growing up, I was scared of sex and repressed AF.

I was your quintessential “cradle Catholic.” Baptized, received my first communion and confirmation… the whole shebang.

In high school, I dove even deeper into Catholicism because I thought that’s where I would find deeper connection – I wore a purity ring, attended the National Catholic Youth Conference twice, had tons of Evangelical friends, and volunteered in every which way at my church… as an altar server, a Liturgical Minister (reader), and as a Communion Minister.

I also suppressed my bisexuality because it was “sinful.”

And I thought that if I had sex outside of marriage (even with a man), I was going to hell.

Yeah, I was in deep.

I felt awkward talking to my crushes, didn’t know how be honest about my feelings, had high anxiety and self-harm tendencies, and easily got obsessed when my crushes even just looked at me.

Sadly, 18-year-old me loathed herself and didn’t feel good enough, despite being top of her class and a “good girl” who had gotten into a “good college.”

Things reached a breaking point in 2011.

I was a freshman in college and had started exploring solo sex (masturbation). But I was still deeply Catholic, attended mass every week, and attended confession regularly.

When I confessed about solo sex, I felt judged and punished during confession instead of supported to become a better person. One time, a priest asked me “how old I was” when I confessed, and it was clear his phone was on while I was trying to get healing for my “sin.”

I felt disrespected, confused, and angry, but I overrode my body and my gut’s instinct to leave confession until it was over because I was a “good girl.”

The next day, I decided to masturbate to “stick it to the Catholic Church.” My relationship with my body was so warped that after masturbating, I felt guilty that I didn’t feel guilty about it, and I cut myself in the dorm shower as a form of self-punishment, to the point that I got woozy.

Fortunately, I felt safe enough to call my dad right away, and I connected with the priest from the parish from my childhood. He offered a gentler interpretation of sinfulness, and he definitely wasn’t skeevy about it.

But something still felt off.

I felt restless, confused, and unsure what was true about sex, and how religion fit into that picture.

Everything started clicking into place about a year later. I was a sophomore in college, and for the first time in my life I had queer friends, and I was an LGBTQIA+ ally (ahem, closeted queer).

During mass, the priest asked us to “pray that Obama would change his mind about gay marriage,” and I was fed up.

I didn’t know where I was going or what would happen, but I decided to walk out of church. “Do you want to come with me?” I asked my friend and roommate, who was sitting next to me. She looked at me with fear and shook her head.

So, in the middle of the homily, I got up and walked out of church by myself. That moment was the beginning of the end of my relationship with Catholicism and of me pathologizing my sexuality.

It was also the first moment I reconnected with my authentic self, and I haven’t looked back since.


After that moment, I dove deep into learning about tarot, crystals, and holistic healing. I came out in 2014 as bisexual. I became a Reiki Master Teacher in 2017.

I started channeling and connecting with spirits of loved ones who had crossed over. I read about the New Earth and angels and other beings of light. Oh, and neotantra (aka, Tantric sex).

But while I was having this spiritual awakening, I was simultaneously drawn to more “taboo” aspects of sexuality.

In 2018, I finally took the plunge and joined my local kink community (as a single, unpartnered person) and REALLY started to thrive.

BDSM helped me make peace with my body, and become less judgemental of myself and others.

I had fun, and I really started to thrive.

Just a year later, I met my current nesting partner (and Daddy Dom) who shares my values, loves and accepts me JUST AS I AM for who I truly am, and is actually most attracted to me when I’m aligned with my authentic soul-self.

It’s late 2024, and we’ve been together almost 4 years now.

In that time, we’ve attended several play parties and even two (soon to be three!) BDSM conferences together.

Our relationship isn’t perfect, and sometimes it isn’t easy, but we’ve had healing, growth, love, and intimacy beyond what I imagined was possible even 4 years ago.

That kind of intimacy, love, and healing is possible for you, too, and I’m here to help you create it.


Now, it's your turn.

Let’s work together so you can wave goodby to trauma and create your own aligned, kinky fairytale romance.

Options & Pricing

Save 50% now through Thursday, October 10!

Voxer Power Hour


Great for getting real-time, tailored advice and solutions for your unique situation.

Only 10 available

One (1) 60-minute coaching session over Voxer

During this BOGO promotion, you will receive two (2) sessions!

Email summary of key points we covered in our call


Video call/Zoom access


Recording & transcript of our call


Ongoing support after your call


Ability to do somatic healing processes

Short Sesh


Great for processing through one (1) isolated issue, or for getting questions answered.

Only 10 available

One (1) 45-minute coaching session over Zoom

During this BOGO promotion, you will receive two (2) sessions!

Email summary of key points we covered in our call

Video call/Zoom access

Video recording of our call, upon request


Ongoing support after your call


Ability to do past life regressions

Standard Sesh


Great if you have lots of trauma, or you want to do a past-life regression. We can usually get through 2-3 issues per session.

Only 10 9 available

One (1) 90-minute coaching session over Zoom

During this BOGO promotion, you will receive two (2) sessions!

Email summary of key points we covered in our call

Video call/Zoom access

Video recording of our call + transcript provided

Ability to do somatic processes, including past life regressions

Voxer support for 3 days after your 90-minute session

BONUS: Sexual Healing Bundle automatically included ($127 value)

 Interested in doing coaching with me but want to try it out before you invest in a full session? Book a Mini Sexual Healing Session ($15), a power-packed 30-minute coaching session, so you know whether we vibe or not. Spots are limited.

In their words…

Sometimes, it’s more helpful to see screenshots of past clients’ feedback. This is just some of what my students and clients have had to say.

There aren’t many people who can  guide you on your spiritual and sexual healing journey if you tick most of these boxes…

☑️ LGBTQIA+ or Queer

☑️ Trans or gender non-conforming (TGNC)

☑️ Witchy, pagan, spiritual but not religious

☑️ Suffering from past religious trauma (especially from Christianity)

☑️ Survivor of sexual trauma/violence

☑️ Polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous (ENM)

☑️ Kinky, slutty, sex-positive, and/or BDSM-curious

But I can. My story is evidence, and so are those of my clients.

And I’m excited to be opening my calendar to take on a limited number of new 1-on-1 coaching clients! 🤩

Will you be one of them? I hope so!

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.

I'm not sure which coaching session option is best for me. How do I decide?

Great question! Here’s some info to help you decide.

  • Want to “pick my brain” and have short, focused questions? Pick the Voxer Power Hour
  • If budget is a constraint, but you want to receive educational coaching over video OR dive into trauma at all, pick the Short Sesh.
  • If you have lots of trauma, or you have any past-life trauma you want to unpack, please book the Standard Sesh.

In all cases, please be aware… I am NOT a licensed psychotherapist. All work that I do is a good addition or complement to therapy, NOT a substitute.

Who do you work with?

I’ve coached a variety of people 1-on-1 over the past 5 years, including recently divorced single parents, single women terrified of dating, and couples who have communication issues.


That said, the people who benefit most from my work are:
  •  Already working with a therapist, or have worked with one in the past… but still haven’t gotten to the root of their trauma after months, years, or decades
  • Are open to experiencing holistic & somatic modalities (e.g., energy work, Reiki, past life regressions, breathwork) or have experienced them previously
  • Have a growth mindset, and are willing to listen to feedback
  • Willing to be vulnerable, willing to do what’s uncomfortable for the sake of their own healing and growth, and willing to stretch their edges

Most of my clients have been survivors of sexual/intimate partner violence, LGBTQIA+, poly or non-monogamous, and/or active members of the kink/BDSM community.

Can I book coaching sessions with you outside of this promo period?

Yes! Once you purchase your sessions, you’ll receive a custom coupon code so you can book the sessions at your leisure over the next 3 months. You can typically book a session up to 30 days in the future on my calendar, so you don’t need to use your session right away.

Please note: All coupons will expire by January 15, 2025. If you haven’t booked your sessions by that time, you will forfeit them.

What can I expect from a coaching session with you?

During a coaching session, I start by getting to know you a bit and reviewing the answers you shared during your intake form. I’m formally trained in Motivational Interviewing (MI), a technique that is commonly used in therapy and in coaching, and it’s a tool I actively use with new clients.

Basically, I’ll ask you open-ended questions, and we’ll dive deeper into the root causes of what’s happening with the situation. The more I get to know you, the more effective coaching tends to be, since I know which tools work best for you, and we can dive deeper faster.

I'm interested, but I don't know you and this is a big investment. Can I try before I buy?

Great question! If you’re interested in doing coaching with me but a bit hesitant to invest $150+ for a full session, you can do a taste test with the Sexual Healing Mini Session, which is only $15. It’s a real session, just shorter, and it’s a great way to get a sense of my energy, and see if we vibe. It’s also a way that I give back to my community by making 1-on-1 coaching more accessible.

You can book a Sexual Healing Mini Session once every 6 months. 

What are the results that coaching can provide?

Oh, I’m so glad you asked! TBH, it depends a bit on the person, but these are just some of the results that working with me 1-on-1 has provided to my clients in the past:


  • Feeling safer in their bodies, less overwhelmed by life and conflict
  • Better, more respectful communication with their partners
  • Attracting more aligned, healthier, soul-match connections and relationships
  • Having the courage to leave stale, toxic, abusive relationships
  • Rekindling romance (and safety!) in a years-old relationship and marriage
  • Willingness to attend their first kink/BDSM play party (finally!) or dive deeper into fetishes that are “taboo” or “edgy”
  • Forgiving themselves, being gentler with themselves, finally not hating themselves
  • Healing physical pain symptoms by addressing the underlying trauma that’s causing imbalances in the physical body
  • Having clarity on the kind of partner/relationship/dynamic they want to attract
  • Making more money, having more peace & joy in daily life, attracting better job opportunities
  • Creating goals related to dating, sex, relationships, and kink/BDSM… and then having direction and accountability to make it happen!

I only saw pay-in-full options. Do you have any payment plans available?

Due to the nature of this offer, there are no payment plans (or refunds) available. If this offer is not accessible for you, but you are interested in coaching scholarships (or other coaching options) that may become available at a later date, please email

I have a question that's not answered here.

Great! Send me an email at, and I’ll answer it for you!

Let’s be honest: if you’ve read this far, you’re at least somewhat interested.

If you’re on the fence, watch this 7-minute video BEFORE you scroll away so you
get a real sense of who I am and how I can help you.

After all, a picture is worth 1,000 words, but a video is worth 10,000.

 Interested in doing coaching with me but want to try it out before you invest in a full session? Book a Mini Sexual Healing Session ($15), a power-packed 30-minute coaching session, so you know whether we vibe or not. Spots are limited.